One of the best things we’ve ever bought is a bread making machine and actually used it.

We’ve had our share of kitchen gadgets (Ice cream/yogurt maker anyone)? And to be honest we bought a cheapish bread maker a number of years ago and used it just a few times before retiring it to wherever bread makers go to die.

Hubby and I decided last year we were fed up of eating shop bought bread with all it’s added preservatives etc so decided we’d like to start making our own bread again. But I didn’t fancy doing it the old fashioned way of pummeling and bashing it, (It would get old really quickly). yet I didn’t want to buy something we wouldn’t use in the future. We discussed it and decided to invest in a really decent bread maker and make a commitment to use it.

Hubs is great at research online, so he set to work and came up with the Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Bread maker, (see below).

It was a tad pricey at at £119 but it has some fantastic reviews, so we took the plunge and bought one. We didn’t regret buying it all and I can really appreciate the difference between this and cheaper models.

I toddled off to Aldi and bought a load of different types of flour to test it out. I’ve had great fun using them, making lots of different breads. It also has a great recipe book, I’ve gone through quite a lot of them.

The kids love the home made pizza’s I turn out and the fruit loafs I’ve made are to die for.

I nearly always make bread from scratch now. I love the fact that all I need to do is put the ingredients into the machine and a few hours later it beeps and I can turn a yummy loaf out. It’s also a lot cheaper to make your own bakery goods if you eat gluten free.

Hubby likes to have a bash as well though he’s not so confident about making bread from scratch. I’ve bought him a couple of bread mixes (All you do is add water) and set it to cook. It’s lovely waking up to the smell of fresh bread cooking.

If you can afford to pay a tad more for your bread maker, I thoroughly recommend the Panasonic SD-2501WXC Automatic Breadmaker, especially as at the time of writing it’s on a special offer,



Registered nurse, wife, mum and nana. I've had my share of 'hard times' when a child and also in the early years of being married. I learned a lot about how to make the pennies stretch further, so I'm going to share my little hints and tips with you...