At this time of year the kids want something nice and warming when they come in from school and nothing goes down better than one of my hot chilli dinners.

I don’t particularly like it too spicy, but hubby and the kids love it and moan if it’s not hot enough, so hot I have to make it..

It’s another dish I just rummage about in my cupboards for ingredients to make it up and the secret (I think anyway), to getting that slow burn flavour is cooking it over 3-4 hours on a low heat, which is why it’s ideal to put in a slow cooker.

I usually serve it with rice, but I’ve also served it with chips or jacket potatoes, Hubby sometimes just has a bowl of chilli and some garlic bread.

I think a non stick frying pan or wok is essential because I like to start my chilli on the hob. I don’t add extra oil etc so it has to be non stick so it doesn’t burn.

I buy lean minced beef in bulk from my local butcher (It’s much cheaper), then split it into 500 gram portions. (Just over a pound in weight). But if you don’t buy it lean, fry it up until it’s cooked and pour the fat away.

This recipe should feed approx 4-6 people depending on your portion size.

lb Minced beef
Seasoning including salt, pepper, mixed herbs etc
2-3 onions. (We like a lot of onions in ours)
Chili to taste. Fresh, frozen, dried etc all work well.
Garlic to taste. Fresh frozen etc
Bell peppers
Tin beans. (Kids don’t like any other types of beans).
Tin tomatoes, (I put passata in mine as well).
2 stock cubes to colour it and give some extra flavour. You could use gravy granules instead.

Dry fry your mince in the wok/pan making sure it’s broken down into a nice crumble texture until it’s nice and brown. If you have any excess fat from the mince, drain it off.
Then add your onions, and cook until they become soft and transparent. (Don’t let them go brown).
Chop and add your mushrooms and peppers, continue to cook. (low to medium heat). Keep stirring so it doesn’t stick. Add all your seasoning and stir it in.

Add your beans, tomatoes, passata etc and continue to stir. Let mixture come to slow boil whilst continuously stirring then turn hob down so it can simmer for about 5-10 minutes.

At this point check the consistency. If it’s too thick then add water until you get a desired consistency. If it’s too thin, you could either add gravy granules instead of the stock cube. Whatever you’re using, add it now.

Leave to cook on hob for another 5-10 minutes so it gets a good start. Then turf it out into your warmed up slow cooker and cook on high for about an hour. Turn down to low and cook for another couple of hours until you’re ready to serve it.

This is a great recipe to prepare the day/night before and just leave on a low heat in the slow cooker all day ready for when everyone gets in from work/school.

I served this with basmati rice and garlic/tomato bread..










Registered nurse, wife, mum and nana. I've had my share of 'hard times' when a child and also in the early years of being married. I learned a lot about how to make the pennies stretch further, so I'm going to share my little hints and tips with you...