I found a savoury pastry flan base about to go out of date in my cupboard the other day, so after having a root about in the fridge for inspiration, I decided to make an egg and bacon flan.

I used to make these quite a lot a few years ago, but for some reason I got out of the habit. After remembering how incredibly easy they are to make and delicious, I’m going to start making them on a regular basis again.

If you are making your own pastry, make sure it is shortcrust as it’s the most suitable and don’t forget to bake it blind first.

Ingredients (Serves four good portions) Oven temp 120 (or slightly lower)
Pastry base. You can buy ready made ones from Tesco or Asda for about £1 each. Otherwise enough short crust pastry to line an oven proof shallow dish.
5-6 rashers of bacon. (You can use less if desired)
Onion finely sliced
3-4 medium eggs
Salt n pepper to taste
Teaspoon Dijon mustard (Any would do)
Good shake of mixed herbs
4 oz grated cheese, (optional)

If you want to make the mixture go further, add about 50 mls milk to the egg mixture. It will take slighter longer to cook though.


If you’re making your own or frozen pastry Here’s a vid to show you how to cook pastry blind  Cut the fat from the bacon, chop and fry with sliced onion.
Beat the eggs, add the seasoning and mustard and stir further. (Make sure the mustard has been dispersed in the egg mixture. Add the bacon and onion mix to the egg.
Pour everything into the pastry dish and cook in a low oven until the egg has set.

I served this with home made wedges and baked beans, it’s also delicious served with salad etc. 


Registered nurse, wife, mum and nana. I've had my share of 'hard times' when a child and also in the early years of being married. I learned a lot about how to make the pennies stretch further, so I'm going to share my little hints and tips with you...

    2 replies to "Egg and Bacon Flan.."

    • Keith Reilly

      Wow, I haven’t made one of these in years!
      Yours look very tasty Kim, hope you all enjoyed it.
      I think I might just bake one this weekend, but I’ll do chips and baked beans with it 🙂

    • admin

      It was lovely, Bobby moaned because I didn’t do chips instead of wedges lol

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