After buying a couple of legs of pork for the freezer before Christmas, hubby informed me he wasn’t keen on pork dinner’s any more and didn’t fancy it. (This was after he’d spotted a joint defrosting in the kitchen).

After gritting my teeth I sat down to think about how to cook it so he’d eat it and decided to make pulled pork. (I know he likes that).

Unfortunately  I forgot to photograph the one I made, so this is a stock photo. Mine looked just as tasty though.

This is a meal you can cook in the slow cooker, so it’s perfect for leaving on a medium/low heat and dishing up for tea when everyone gets in, plus it’s a really easy recipe that will really tickle the taste buds.

This is how I make it..

Ingredients. Joint of pork. Mine was fairly large and there was loads of pulled pork left afterwards, but any size will do. Also as you’re cooking it for a long period of time in the slow cooker, a cheap piece is fine. It will be lovely and tender when it’s cooked. (Just make sure you take any visible fat off it).

The following ingredients are to taste

  • Mustard either dry or wet. (I had some dijon in a jar I finished off).
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Tomato puree (I used half a tube)
  • Onion and garlic salt mixed. (teaspoon of each)
  • Worcester sauce to taste (I used about 2 tablespoons)
  • Chilli to taste. (I use lazy chilli from a jar, but flakes or powder will work)


Mix all your ingredients together in a bowl until well mixed then rub half it into your pork until it’s completely covered. Cook on a high temperature in your conventional oven for about an hour then transfer to your slow cooker which should have been getting warmed up ready.

Add the rest of your ingredients plus approx half a pint of water and cook for at least 3 hours on a high setting.

Take two forks and start to shred your pork. If it doesn’t shred, it’s not quite ready, so leave it for a while longer until it shreds.

Put the lid back on the slow cooker and let the shredded pork absorb into the rest of the water. It will then be ready.

I served it with wild rice, but it can be served on a bread bun with melted cheese and salad. (That’s how my daughter serves it up). To be honest, you can serve it however you want, just enjoy it..



Registered nurse, wife, mum and nana. I've had my share of 'hard times' when a child and also in the early years of being married. I learned a lot about how to make the pennies stretch further, so I'm going to share my little hints and tips with you...

    1 Response to "Pulled Pork.."

    • […] After making pulled pork the other day, we had quite a lot left. I could have put it in the freezer for another day, but because I was having a lazy day and decided I didn’t want to do a huge dinner for everyone, I decided to use the leftover pulled pork in a curry. […]

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