After making pulled pork the other day, we had quite a lot left. I could have put it in the freezer for another day, but because I was having a lazy day and decided I didn’t want to do a huge dinner for everyone, I decided to use the leftover pulled pork in a curry.

I threw it all into my big stew pot, added a tin of tomatoes, a spoonful of chilli flakes and some curry powder then set it to warming up on the hob. Obviously if needed you could add extra seasoning to taste. This didn’t need it as it still had plenty of flavour from it’s previous life as pulled pork.

I let it cook for about an hour on a low heat whilst it curried.

It would have been fine to serve as is, but I had a big bag of fresh spinach in the fridge I wanted to use, so I added that to the mixture and let it cook for another 10 minutes until the spinach was absorbed into the curry. (I often add fresh spinach to curry).

I then turfed it into my warmed up slow cooker and left it on a low heat until teatime.

Served with Basmati rice and some naan bread, it went down a treat with both hubby, daughter and the kids.

One joint of pork that cost about 6 quid and ended up going a really long way = results..



Registered nurse, wife, mum and nana. I've had my share of 'hard times' when a child and also in the early years of being married. I learned a lot about how to make the pennies stretch further, so I'm going to share my little hints and tips with you...